solutions that work...
JadeFusion provides the following services...
- Web Development
- Domain Name Registration
- Web Site Hosting
- Web Site Hosting - Terms of Service
- Content Management
Web Development
JadeFusion aims to give cost effective solutions to individuals, community groups, small businesses, clubs and associations, wishing to enhance and extend their Web presence.
A World Wide Web site need not cost an "arm and a leg". Jade follows the philosophy that a Web Site needs to be simple, functional and effective. Pages need to display equally well in all major WWW Browsers.
If possible, your pages should be based on, validated, standards compliant code. You can check the code for a website to see if it is based on both valid XHTML and valid CSS.
We can also help with the conversion of existing documentation and forms to be accessed via an Intranet or the WWW.
If you wish the convenience of running your site from a Content Management System or, CMS for short, we can convert your existing site for you.
Domain Name Registration
Need a Domain Name? JadeFusion can register and host your site for you.
Use our name lookup utility to Find a Domain NOW...
Web Site Hosting
Secure, reliable and affordable Web services. Included with all our hosting...
- Web server space for a web site and its associated files.
- Password protected directories.
- Ability to run PHP scripts.
- Email Redirection.
If you wish, you can host your website using a free subdomain of net909, rather than registering a domain name of your own.
Hosting under a subdomain of net909.com
Web Site URL: http//your-site-name.net909.com
Simple content managed hosting under a subdomain of net909.org
Web Site URL: http//your-site-name.net909.org
Web Site Hosting - Terms of Service
When JadeFusion supplies web hosting, the hosting begins at a date requested by the client and ends when JadeFusion has received a notice of termination from the client. The start time is often aligned with the domain registration date.
Long term clients are billed from the start date on a yearly basis at the end of each year. If hosting is discontinued and does not cover a full year the client is charged the full domain registration fee plus hosting at a per month rate up to the date of JadeFusion receiving the notice of termination.
Content Management Systems
A content management system (CMS) is designed to simplify the publication of web content to web sites. In particular a CMS allows content creators, with a minimal knowledge of HTML and the uploading of files, to publish content.
For a discussion on Content Management Systems and how they work see...